Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Bush Fire Risk Management Plan

The Bush Fire Risk Management Plan maps the level of risk across the Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai council areas, helping residents and authorities prepare for bush fires.

The plan is prepared by the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Bush Fire Management Committee, which includes a range of stakeholders including Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai councils, land managers, fire authorities and community organisations. For details, see Organisations.

The plan maps the level of risk across the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai area, telling residents how much danger they would be in if there is a bush fire. It also helps authorities reduce the risk through measures such as mechanical clearing, hazard reduction burns and community education.

Why is the Bush Fire Risk Management Plan important to you?

Bush fires are an integral part of the Australian environment and an inevitable threat each summer, particularly in this area. For instance, more than half of Hornsby Shire is covered by bushland.

It’s important you know the level of risk your property faces so you can prepare a plan in the event of a bushfire. You need to know well in advance whether you are going to stay to protect your property or move to safety, as well as the best route to take. You will also need to prepare your property to prevent spot fires that can be caused by falling embers.

For more information on how to prepare your property for bush fires, visit rfs.nsw.gov.au